Review of the nature and type of hazardous waste polluted sites in India
Development of Methodologies for National Programme for Rehabilitation of Polluted Sites in India
This report presents Annexure 4a to the Key output Final Report Task 1. In this Task the Review of the nature and type of hazardous waste polluted sites in India is given as a part of the ‘Development of Methodologies for National Programme for Rehabilitation of Polluted Sites in India’. The objective of Task 1 is to review the available inventory on hazardous waste polluted sites and understand the nature of polluted sites in India.
The Key output is the report, presenting both a thorough insight in the nature and types of all polluted sites in India and a typology of probably polluted sites in India. For these objectives in this task the available inventory on hazardous polluted sites is inventoried and analysed. The results are presented in the Key output Final Report of Task 1.
This Annexure to that report includes the site factsheets, for background reading only. The purpose of the factsheets is an intermediate step in the understanding of the sites in India and not to give an accurate description of all individual sites in India as such. For this purpose the reader is referred to the Assignment 1 database which will be developed for that reason specifically.