Letter from Chairman of Kodaikanal Municipality
Letter sent by Mr. M Sridhar, Chairman of Kodaikanal Municipality to the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board requesting it to set aside the Detailed Project Report on Soil Remediation in Kodaikanal. The letter raises the concern of the relaxed soil remediation standard of 20mg / kg of mercury mentioned in the report.
E-mail from Paul Polman on concerns in Kodaikanal
———- Forwarded message ———- From: Polman, Paul <Paul.Polman@unilever.com> Date: Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 2:30 AM Subject: Re: Kodaikanal To: Eurig Scandrett <eurig.scandrett@gmail.com> Cc: Richard Dixon <rdixon@foe-scotland.org.uk> Dear Dr.Scandrett, dear Eurig, Thanks for your letter of 14th August about the claims surrounding our closed factory at Kodaikanal in southern India. I’m glad of the opportunity to set the […]
2001 letter from Unilever denying mercury pollution
This letter dated March 07, 2001 from Unilever’s Corporate Communication Manager denying of any wrongdoing with regard to mercury pollution in Kodaikanal.

Letter to Paul Polman
To: Paul Polman CEO, Unilever Plc United Kingdom Dear Mr. Polman: You have been very vocal about the role of business in sustainable development. A recent article in The Telegraph quotes you as having said: “Profit is not a purpose. It’s an end product… People assume that if you do something good, it must cost […]
MoEF permission for the export of mercury waste to the USA
MoEF permission for the export of mercury waste to Bethlehem Apparatus, USA