List of workers engaged in the Mercury Thermometer factory as told to Govt of India by HUL
Find the full list of workers attached below.
Yuyun – Polman exchange
E-mail exchange between Paul Polman & Yuyun Ismawati, Bali Fokus, 2009 Goldman Environmental Prize winner from Indonesia and other eminent awardees on the question of Unilever’s remedial actions in Kodai.

#UnileverPollutes: the crisis sparked by a viral video
Twitter analysis of the Unilever Kodaikanal Crisis By @G_Parsons33 PUBLISHED IN CRISIS STUDIES | 20 August 2015 Unilever found itself at the center of a Twitter storm this month, after a crisis broke on social media concerning the brand’s activities in India. To draw attention to the wide-spread mercury pollution and poisoning left behind by a […]
Minutes of Working Committee meeting – 11 Oct 2002
Minutes of Working Committee meeting held on 11 Oct 2002. In this meeting, consultants conducting a study recommend that the entire plant and machinery that had come in contact with mercury be scrapped and also ask HLL to provide more details on material use and disposal as reported to statutory authorities as well as an […]
Minutes of Working Committee meeting – 03 May 2005
Minutes of the meeting of the Working Committee and Local Area Environmental Committee held on 03 May 2005. This meeting included officials of the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board, members of Ponds Hindustan Lever Ex-Employeer Association, invitees from NEERI and representatives of M/s Hindustan Lever Limited, Kodaikanal
2001 letter from Unilever denying mercury pollution
This letter dated March 07, 2001 from Unilever’s Corporate Communication Manager denying of any wrongdoing with regard to mercury pollution in Kodaikanal.
Factsheet: Response to the claims made by HUL on their website
1. HUL claims that: Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL)*, did not dump glass waste contaminated with mercury on land behind its factory. Scrap glass containing mercury had been sold to a scrap dealer about three kilometres away from the factory, in breach of our guidelines. HUL immediately closed the factory and launched an investigation. Reality: HLL was […]
Panel Discussion on 16th May ’15: Unilever’s Toxic Legacy in Kodaikanal
Towards a Policy for Cleanup and Compensation of Places and People Affected by Pollution When: 16 May, 2015. 4.30 p.m Where: Kavikko Arangam, CIT Colony, 2nd Main Road, Mylapore, Chennai What: Panel Discussion on clean-up of environment and rehabilitation of people affected by pollution. Who: – Dr. D.B. Boralkar Member, Supreme Court Monitoring Committee on Hazardous Wastes; […]
Notes from inside the Unilever AGM
Supporters from the UK Ccampaign for Justice in Kodaikanal intervened inside and outside Unilever’s annual shareholders’ meeting in Leatherhead, UK, raising questions about the company’s failure to address mercury contamination and worker exposure issues at its now-closed thermometer factory in Kodaikanal, India. While one supporter holding a placard that shouted “#HULCleanUpUrMess distributed flyers to shareholders […]

Kodaikanal Poops Unilever Party in UK
Unilever’s toxic secret — a mercury contaminated site and hundreds of exposed workers in Kodaikanal, India — confronted them today at their Annual General Meeting in Leatherhead, Surrey. The company was expecting a battalion of protesters, but saw only one standing with a hand-made placard shouting #HULCleanUpUrMess. But that one was resolute. There is another, […]
Chronology of Events – May 2011
Chronology of Events Leading to Dilution of Standards for Remediation of Mercury Contaminated Site in Kodaikanal, Tamilnadu, to Benefit Hindustan Unilever Ltd, by Dr. Tapan Chakrabarti, NEERI, officials of the Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board, and members of a Special Experts Committee.