Guidance document for assessment and remediation of contaminated sites in India
Download all three volumes of the 1st Edition of the Guidance document for assessment and remediation of contaminated sites in India below. Published by the National Program for Rehabilitation of Polluted Sites in India on March 2015. Guidance document Volume I 20150331 Guidance document Volume II 20150331 Guidance document Volume III 20150331
Review of the nature and type of hazardous waste polluted sites in India
Development of Methodologies for National Programme for Rehabilitation of Polluted Sites in India This report presents Annexure 4a to the Key output Final Report Task 1. In this Task the Review of the nature and type of hazardous waste polluted sites in India is given as a part of the ‘Development of Methodologies for National Programme for Rehabilitation of Polluted […]

How the Cosmetics Industry ranks on Toxic Chemicals
There is a detox starting in the cosmetics industry – and it’s time to take stock to see which companies havemade the biggest changes and which ones still have work to do. To find out more about how the cosmetics industry is changing, ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENCE looked at the “Big 5” companies that manufacture cosmetics sold in Canada in order […]
The Hidden Costs of Skin-Deep Beauty – Fact sheet on Unilever’s cosmetics
Few are indifferent to the images of glamorous models endorsing a widening range of cosmetic products, designed to tweak, twist, stretch, shrink, moisturise and colour the human anatomy. These images seduce middle-class consumers and shape their thoughts, dreams and demands. Most people are aware of the underlying motive – the profit of cosmetics companies. But conscience, even caution, is […]
Final Report of the GOI Committee
Study on soil conservation while undertaking soil remediation process in mercury contaminated site of Hindustan Unilever Ltd., Kodaikanal
Download the following study on soil conservation:
Study on trees protection measures during decontamination process of mercury polluted soil
Download the following study on tree protection measures:
Site Specific Cleanup Standards for HUL’s Mercury Thermometer Manufacturing Factory at Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu – IIT Delhi
Download the following study, Site Specific Cleanup Standards – IIT Delhi
Critique of clean-up standards proposed by Unilever
March 2010: Mark Chernaik, toxicologist and staff scientist at the US-based ‘environment law alliance worldwide’ critiques the clean-up standards proposed by Unilever and clearly warns that a site-specific target level of 25mg/kg for cleanup of mercury in Kodaikanal is grossly inadequate to save the eco-sensitive Pambar Shola forest. Read full document
Double Standards Kodai – Unilever’s Mercury Fever & Kodaikanal’s Ecological Time Bomb
Unilever – Overview of controversial business practices 2008
This company briefing has been prepared by SOMO (Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations). It provides an overview of business practices that could be considered as unsustainable or irresponsible which occurred (or might have been addressed) in 2008. In addition, it may describe developments on some issues identified in a similar overview for 2006, which […]
Detailed Project Report, ERM, 2007
Detailed Project Report, ERM, 2007
Report of the High Court appointed Expert Committee
Download the full report of the High Court
Protocol for Remediation of Mercury Contaminated Site at HLL Thermometer Factory, Kodaikanal
Protocol for Remediation of Mercury Contaminated Site at HLL Thermometer Factory, Kodaikanal