Esther’s story
This is Esther’s story. Esther had hoped that her son Britto getting a job at Pond’s company would mean good days for the family. However, it was not to be. Britto developed health problems while working in the thermometer factory and never recovered. Eventually, both his kidneys failed and Britto died, leaving behind parents who […]
Celebrities launch #WontBuyUnilever campaign; Urge Consumers to Act Against Unilever Double Standards
13 September, 2015. CHENNAI Actors Bobby Simha, Rohini, and Kalairaani joined Rathindran Prasad — the maker of ‘Kodaikanal Won’t’ viral video — to launch the #WontBuyUnilever campaign today by giving missed calls to 08880109020. The celebrities urged people to take action by avoiding Unilever brands such as Lifebuoy, Dove, Lipton tea, Pond’s, Lakme, Hamam, Axe […]