Hindustan Unilever Limited goes off plan, fells 300 trees in Kodaikanal
Consumer goods giant Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) has cut down over 300 trees inside its now-defunct thermometer factory that lies adjacent to the Kodaikanal Wildlife Sanctuary. By SV Krishna Chaitanya for The New Indian Express, 19th August 2021 https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/tamil-nadu/2021/aug/19/hindustan-unilever-limitedgoes-off-plan-fells-300-trees-in-kodaikanal-2346689.html Unilever factory site in March 2018 Unilever factory site in January 2020 after the illegal cutting of […]
Rate of Soil and Mercury Loss into Pambar Shola from M/s Hindustan Unilever’s Mercury-contaminated Site
By Nityanand Jayaraman, Chennai Solidarity Group. August 2021 Report: Rate of Soil and Mercury Loss into Pambar Shola from M/s Hindustan Unilever’s Mercury-contaminated SiteDownload
Datasets for the Analysis of Soil Remediation Trials
Download the datasets for the analysis of Soil Remediation trials undertaken by HUL in Kodaikanal from September-November 2017. Environmental Parameters Monitoring Data – Contaminated Soil Washing Trials – HUL HUL Results Summary to RTI Petition (07.12.17) Annexures of Soil Washing Process presented at the LAEC Meeting (22.12.17)

Sofia talks about Kodaikanal Won’t
Sofia Ashraf talks about her song Kodaikanal Won’t, the issue of mercury contamination in Kodaikanal and people’s suffering to Tamil News Channel, News 7
Evaluation of DPR by Dr. Mark Chernaik: Soil Remediation at Kodaikanal HUL Factory site, with offsite disposal of treated soils to Authorized TSDF

#UnileverPollutes: the crisis sparked by a viral video
Twitter analysis of the Unilever Kodaikanal Crisis By @G_Parsons33 PUBLISHED IN CRISIS STUDIES | 20 August 2015 Unilever found itself at the center of a Twitter storm this month, after a crisis broke on social media concerning the brand’s activities in India. To draw attention to the wide-spread mercury pollution and poisoning left behind by a […]
Press Release: Activists Don’t Trust Unilever; Urge TNPCB to Undertake Study
CHENNAI — Welcoming the press release by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board that the delay is caused by Unilever and not the TNPCB, activists with Chennai Solidarity Group urged TNPCB to ensure that the Detailed Project Report is commissioned by the Board and not Unilever. “This is what would be in line with the […]
PRESS RELEASE: Activists Slam Unilever for Environmental Double-standards; Unilever Pushing TNPCB to Dilute Clean up Standard
While welcoming Unilever CEO Paul Polman’s tweet expressing his determination to address the issues in Kodaikanal, Chennai Solidarity Group said Unilever needs to shed its double standards with respect to environmental remediation for the matter to be resolved expeditiously. Unilever is putting pressure on Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) to approve contaminated soil clean-up […]
PRESS RELEASE: Unilever Trots Out Dubious Science to Protect its Health
Calling the clarifications posted by Hindustan Unilever (HUL) on its website a “rehashed” bunkum, activists working in support of ex-mercury workers and Kodaikanal residents have asked the company to offer something that would make people believe they are truly interested in resolving this issue. The organisations have said that Unilever’s dilatory tactics in addressing environmental […]
TNPCB Closure Order
Factsheet: Response to the claims made by HUL on their website
1. HUL claims that: Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL)*, did not dump glass waste contaminated with mercury on land behind its factory. Scrap glass containing mercury had been sold to a scrap dealer about three kilometres away from the factory, in breach of our guidelines. HUL immediately closed the factory and launched an investigation. Reality: HLL was […]
Unilever CEO remains silent while hundreds of thousands of people share a music video exposing Unilever’s toxic inaction.
Public mobilisation group Jhatkaa.org, ex-mercury workers association, and the Chennai Solidarity Group question Unilever CEO Paul Polman’s silence after a rap video went viral calling out his company’s mercury contamination of Kodaikanal. The organisations urged Polman and Hindustan Unilever CEO and Managing Director Sanjiv Mehta to initiate immediate action. 1 August, 2015. BANGALORE/CHENNAI Within two […]
Press Release: Online Music Video Calls Unilever’s Bluff on Social Responsibility
Having reached its target of 5000 signatures in less than a week, a petition hosted by online campaigning platform Jhatkaa.org urging Unilever to settle the company’s mercury-related liabilities in Kodaikanal got a major boost today with the launch of a music video titled “Kodaikanal won’t. . .” Written by Chennai-born rapper Sofia Ashraf and set to Nicki Minaj’s “Anaconda,” this song is being used by social activists to expose Unilever’s claims to responsibility as hypocritical.