Hindustan Unilever Limited goes off plan, fells 300 trees in Kodaikanal
Consumer goods giant Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) has cut down over 300 trees inside its now-defunct thermometer factory that lies adjacent to the Kodaikanal Wildlife Sanctuary. By SV Krishna Chaitanya for The New Indian Express, 19th August 2021 https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/tamil-nadu/2021/aug/19/hindustan-unilever-limitedgoes-off-plan-fells-300-trees-in-kodaikanal-2346689.html Unilever factory site in March 2018 Unilever factory site in January 2020 after the illegal cutting of […]
Rate of Soil and Mercury Loss into Pambar Shola from M/s Hindustan Unilever’s Mercury-contaminated Site
By Nityanand Jayaraman, Chennai Solidarity Group. August 2021 Report: Rate of Soil and Mercury Loss into Pambar Shola from M/s Hindustan Unilever’s Mercury-contaminated SiteDownload
Press Release: Unilever’s Cuts 300 Trees; Exposes Contaminated Soil; Triggers 100 kg Mercury Discharge into Kodaikanal Wildlife Sanctuary
At least 100 kg of soil-bound mercury is likely to have been washed off into the ecosensitive Pambar Shola section of the Kodaikanal Wildlife Sanctuary since Unilever illegally chopped down more than 300 trees from 4 acres of its heavily contaminated factory site in January 2020, a study done by Chennai Solidarity Group revealed.
PRESS RELEASE – Study Finds Record High Levels Mercury in Kodai Forest Sediments
Issued by Tamilnadu Alliance Against Mercury, St. Mary’s Road Residents Welfare Association & Community Environmental Monitoring 15 June, 2016 — Exposing as false Hindustan Unilever’s claim that its mercury contaminated factory site is not an ongoing threat to the Pambar Shola ecology, results of analyses from a Department of Atomic Energy laboratory have revealed record […]

Unilever’s Mercury Pollution in Kodaikanal, India – Claims vs Reality
In 2001, a mercury thermometer factory operated by Unilever subsidiary Hindustan Unilever Ltd was shut down by state environmental regulators after it was found that the company had illegally disposed tonnes of mercury wastes at a local scrapyard. The factory site, which is nestled between two biodiverse and ecologically valuable watershed forests in the beautiful […]
Victory – Hindustan Unilever settles with 591 Kodaikanal workers
PRESS RELEASE: Activists Celebrate as Unilever Settles with Kodaikanal Workers 9 March, 2016 — The settlement between Hindustan Unilever and 591 former mercury workers from its thermometer factory in Kodaikanal is an unprecedented victory and a fitting culmination of the 15-year campaign by workers and the hundreds of thousands of supporters worldwide, said campaign organisations […]
List of workers engaged in the Mercury Thermometer factory as told to Govt of India by HUL
Find the full list of workers attached below.
MoEF permission for the export of mercury waste to the USA
MoEF permission for the export of mercury waste to Bethlehem Apparatus, USA