Kodai opposes mercury clean up standard proposed by Unilever
The Hindu – Aug 23, 2015 Disagreeing with the proposed clean up criteria Hindustan Unilever (HUL) wanted to adhere to for the remediation of its mercury-contaminated factory site in the hill station, the Chairman of the Kodaikanal Municipality has asked the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) to set aside a Detailed Project Report (DPR) […]

The unending fallout of Unilever’s thermometer factory in Kodaikanal
A comprehensive feature by The Caravan documenting the sombre story of a mercury thermometer factory in Kodaikanal that raised hopes of jobs and dreams of the future, but has left behind misery in its wake. It also responds effectively to Unilever CEO’s comment on the need for facts and not false emotions. Read on Vantage […]
Unilever CEO remains silent while hundreds of thousands of people share a music video exposing Unilever’s toxic inaction.
Public mobilisation group Jhatkaa.org, ex-mercury workers association, and the Chennai Solidarity Group question Unilever CEO Paul Polman’s silence after a rap video went viral calling out his company’s mercury contamination of Kodaikanal. The organisations urged Polman and Hindustan Unilever CEO and Managing Director Sanjiv Mehta to initiate immediate action. 1 August, 2015. BANGALORE/CHENNAI Within two […]
Press Release: Online Music Video Calls Unilever’s Bluff on Social Responsibility
Having reached its target of 5000 signatures in less than a week, a petition hosted by online campaigning platform Jhatkaa.org urging Unilever to settle the company’s mercury-related liabilities in Kodaikanal got a major boost today with the launch of a music video titled “Kodaikanal won’t. . .” Written by Chennai-born rapper Sofia Ashraf and set to Nicki Minaj’s “Anaconda,” this song is being used by social activists to expose Unilever’s claims to responsibility as hypocritical.