
Unilever CEO remains silent while hundreds of thousands of people share a music video exposing Unilever’s toxic inaction.

Public mobilisation group Jhatkaa.org, ex-mercury workers association, and the Chennai Solidarity Group question Unilever CEO Paul Polman’s silence after a rap video went viral calling out his company’s mercury contamination of Kodaikanal. The organisations urged Polman and Hindustan Unilever CEO and Managing Director Sanjiv Mehta to initiate immediate action. 1 August, 2015. BANGALORE/CHENNAI Within two […]

Press Release: Online Music Video Calls Unilever’s Bluff on Social Responsibility

Having reached its target of 5000 signatures in less than a week, a petition hosted by online campaigning platform Jhatkaa.org urging Unilever to settle the company’s mercury-related liabilities in Kodaikanal got a major boost today with the launch of a music video titled “Kodaikanal won’t. . .” Written by Chennai-born rapper Sofia Ashraf and set to Nicki Minaj’s “Anaconda,” this song is being used by social activists to expose Unilever’s claims to responsibility as hypocritical.